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Who we are

The Arka Initiative

The Arka Initiative is a grassroots organization which provides tangible and practical support on issues pertaining to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in Sri Lanka. The initiative is led by a group of highly skilled, committed young professionals, who are advised by senior professionals in diverse fields.
  • Create and Disseminate Accurate Information on Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Provide Comprehensive Sex Education to Children
  • Run Platforms to Facilitate Access to Medical Professionals
  • Create Safe Spaces for Conversation at a Corporate, Institutional and Grassroots Level
  • Provide reusable sanitary pads to underserved women in Sri Lanka (SSP)
  • Manufacture the most affordable pad on the market (Adithi)
  • give People the Tools They Need to Navigate Their Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • address and Influence Societal Perceptions and Narratives Surrounding Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • become a Platform Recognized to Communicate and Disseminate Knowledge on Sexual and Reproductive Health

I feel like we gained a lot of information that we didn’t know before, and we ask that more programs be done as it was very valuable. We corrected many misconceptions, many blessings for organizing this.

I feel like it is a strength to not just me, but all who attended. Truly we haven’t spoken this openly before, I feel happy, and now I feel like we can even educate others. It seems like a lie to feel ashamed about these things now. It was such a good programme, wishing good merits to all involved

Sustainable Sanitation Project session attendee

Our Team

Our Advisors

Our Partners

We are currently in partnership with notable entities and brands both in Sri Lanka and overseas.

Hemas, the Dilmah MJF Charitable Foundation, Sarvodaya and Arka, reaching underserved women in plantations.

We’ve had the privilege of partnering with diverse entities to advance our goals of reaching underserved communities

Selyn and Arka are in partnership in providing both awareness and reusable sanitary napkins across Sri Lanka.

Arka was the recipient of a grant from The Pad Project and This is L., in order to purchase Adithi’s sanitary pad machine. The Pad Project is the 2019 Academy Award Winner for Best Documentary Short, “Period. End of Sentence.,” and its mission is to create and cultivate local and global partnerships to end period stigma and to empower women and all menstruators worldwide.

This is L. is a B. Corp certified period care brand making products free from synthetic pesticides, dyes, and fragrances. For every purchase of L., one period care product is made accessible to someone around the world who needs it.

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